Guarida is born from the love produced by the objects that make home a place to live. The intention is to transmit that experience from textiles that, in addition to being useful, add beauty to everyday life, accompanying people in their trades and daily activities. Everything is created 100% by hand, enjoying the process and the different variants that can be achieved by combining colors and palettes. To inhabit a space is to transform it.
Guarida nace del amor que producen los objetos que hacen del hogar un lugar para habitar. La intención es transmitir esa experiencia desde los textiles que ademas de ser útiles, le aportan belleza a lo cotidiano, acompañando a las personas en sus oficios y actividades diarias. Todo es creado 100% a mano disfrutando el proceso y las distintas variantes que pueden lograrse a partir de combinar colores y paletas. Habitar un espacio es transformarlo.